BIOMA Comunicação Ancestral // Agência SILVA

Art direction / Motion design

Video developed for the launch of BIOMA Comunicação Ancestral, an initiative by PretaHub. The project aims to connect black, indigenous, peripheral and LGBTQIAP+ communicators to the market and social organizations, to drive positive impacts. Partnership with Agência SILVA.


The idea was to create the environment of a forest, representing the field of ancestry, and from this “exploring” of the forest, present the compositions, where each one represents a layer of this ancestral connection. Spirituality / Meeting / Work / Technology / Community
Mixing elements of nature, objects and people, photos and videos, each composition tells a story, which is part of this larger plot.

For movements, we adopted the use of a 3D environment, with objects at various depths, and a camera that walks through these elements, in smooth and fluid movements, presenting the compositions in a dynamic way.


- image search -

The image search was research into African ancestry in general, but mainly Brazilian. Culture, customs, food, clothes, rituals, work, etc.
In addition to images from old CC files and image banks, AI was used to create nature elements, realistic portraits and objects.
In this way, contrasting ancestry with modernity, which are often seen as very different things, but which in the end complement each other.